Dear scientists,
Addgene is open and ready to help accelerate COVID-19 research! In just the past weeks, we've received, sequenced, and started distributing many SARS-CoV-2 related plasmids (details below). We are working as fast as we can to distribute COVID-19 and coronavirus related materials while maintaining enough physical distancing for our Addgenies. Additionally, while we are prioritizing the shipment of plasmid orders and intake of new deposits related to ongoing coronavirus and COVID-19 research, we can process other requests.
We're glad to see the scientific community come together to share protocols, reagents, PPE, and preprints over the past weeks in an effort to accelerate scientific research and meet healthcare needs related to the COVID-19 pandemic. At Addgene, we’re eager to join these efforts to help COVID-19 researchers through plasmid sharing and more.
Here is what we are actively working on:
- Plasmids expressing SARS-CoV-2 open reading frames are currently available from depositing labs. Other SARS-CoV-2 plasmids are currently in quality control and will be made available as soon as possible.
- Some SARS-CoV-2 plasmids are available for industry distribution. See our industry page for more details.
- We have partnered with Ginkgo Bioworks, who will be synthesizing coronavirus related plasmids for distribution.
- Please email us at if you would like to request or deposit coronavirus or COVID-19 related materials so we can prioritize these.
- Please fill out this form to suggest reagents that are useful for coronavirus-related research and that you’d like to see Addgene distribute.
- If you have a pending plasmid order, we will email you before shipping to confirm that your shipment can be received. For the most up-to-date information on changes to our shipping and operations, see our COVID-19 Updates page.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at
- The Addgene Team